Another premier service that NCFH offers is the provision of consultation and technical assistance services to meet a wide variety of organizational needs.
From strategic planning, to improving organizational systems, to translation, NCFH is committed to providing a comprehensive and tailored package that will provide you with the tools and infrastructure to help improve the quality of care for your patient populations. Click below to find out more about our fee-for-service opportunities. |
NCFH offers a variety of hands-on consultations to improve health center leadership and operations.
Strategic Planning
Migrant Health Centers are continually challenged to meet the demands of serving underserved and underinsured populations, including the farmworker community, in a very competitive financial environment. Migrant Health Centers have been charged to double the number of patients served; therefore, it is critical that health centers plan strategically to accomplish this goal. NCFH can facilitate your strategic plan development through use of the LENS process. Leadership Effectiveness and New Strategies (LENS) are methods of strategic decision making that is provided as an on-site technical assistance service. This is a custom-tailored process that addresses individual health center needs and includes both internal and external environmental analysis, creative and strategic group thinking, and development of an implementation plan. LENS is a powerful and well-tested method, which is inclusive and a highly interactive method that is applied in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors. The LENS process guides the health center through the strategic planning process and works on the premise that the solutions to the problems experienced by the health center can be found from within the organization, tapping the expertise and knowledge of staff and board members. This service is provided by NCFH senior staff consultants who are experienced in use of the method, knowledgeable in the field of Migrant Health, bilingual, and able to work with both board and staff members effectively. Note: This strategic planning process can also be adapted for other non-profit organizations.
Succession Planning
As the current generation of migrant health leaders gets closer to retirement, a strategic and well planned succession plan is crucial for the ongoing success of the migrant health program. The day-to-day operations of a health center sometimes supersede activities that are required in planning an effective succession plan. Through this consultation, NCFH will help health centers in the development and implementation of a succession plan. (Succession Planning Tool)
Group Facilitation: Tools to Organize and Execute Effective Meetings
Is your management team trapped in the vicious cycle of multiple meetings with little action? If the answer is yes, then it may be time to establish effective leadership and management teams. Through the development of these teams, your organization will be able to produce efficient, measurable, and deliverable results. This training will teach participants methods and techniques to lead successful participatory meetings, which produce clear deliverables. Through the interactive demonstration of a variety of group facilitation methods, participants will gain skills to facilitate small groups, lead and manage effective meetings, and develop results-driven action plans.
Development of Corporate Communication Guidelines and Structure
This hands-on consultation and training program focuses on the development of a strategic communication structure with processes for information flow to be implemented throughout the entire organization. The goal of this consultation is to improve the workplace and team communications. Through a careful examination of communication practices, a team of consultants will guide you in the development of guidelines that can be established and adopted as "organizational standards." By identifying workplace barriers and challenges, participants will have the opportunity to brainstorm solutions and strategies that will serve as the foundation for the guidelines. Once developed and ready for adoption, consultants will provide customized Communication Training to aide in the implementation of these efforts.
Development of Customer Service Guidelines
All organizations delivering health care services should have guidelines and a vision for the delivery of exceptional health care services. Customer Service Guidelines or "Standards" can pave the way for providing care that is professional, respectful, timely and consistent. This consultation will begin with a careful examination of current customer service practices and the consultants will guide participants through an interactive process in identifying organizational "Coffee Stains." These "stains" represent barriers and challenges that the organization must overcome in order to enhance customer service delivery. Through this process, participants will establish ownership and investment in developing practical solutions tailored to specific organizational concerns. Using this knowledge and awareness, participants receive guidance in developing these guidelines that can be implemented within the organization. Examples of this application include on-going staff meetings, employee orientation and employee performance evaluation. Once the guidelines are developed and ready for adoption, consultants will provide customized Customer Service Training to aide in the implementation of the guidelines.
Strategic Planning
Migrant Health Centers are continually challenged to meet the demands of serving underserved and underinsured populations, including the farmworker community, in a very competitive financial environment. Migrant Health Centers have been charged to double the number of patients served; therefore, it is critical that health centers plan strategically to accomplish this goal. NCFH can facilitate your strategic plan development through use of the LENS process. Leadership Effectiveness and New Strategies (LENS) are methods of strategic decision making that is provided as an on-site technical assistance service. This is a custom-tailored process that addresses individual health center needs and includes both internal and external environmental analysis, creative and strategic group thinking, and development of an implementation plan. LENS is a powerful and well-tested method, which is inclusive and a highly interactive method that is applied in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors. The LENS process guides the health center through the strategic planning process and works on the premise that the solutions to the problems experienced by the health center can be found from within the organization, tapping the expertise and knowledge of staff and board members. This service is provided by NCFH senior staff consultants who are experienced in use of the method, knowledgeable in the field of Migrant Health, bilingual, and able to work with both board and staff members effectively. Note: This strategic planning process can also be adapted for other non-profit organizations.
Succession Planning
As the current generation of migrant health leaders gets closer to retirement, a strategic and well planned succession plan is crucial for the ongoing success of the migrant health program. The day-to-day operations of a health center sometimes supersede activities that are required in planning an effective succession plan. Through this consultation, NCFH will help health centers in the development and implementation of a succession plan. (Succession Planning Tool)
Group Facilitation: Tools to Organize and Execute Effective Meetings
Is your management team trapped in the vicious cycle of multiple meetings with little action? If the answer is yes, then it may be time to establish effective leadership and management teams. Through the development of these teams, your organization will be able to produce efficient, measurable, and deliverable results. This training will teach participants methods and techniques to lead successful participatory meetings, which produce clear deliverables. Through the interactive demonstration of a variety of group facilitation methods, participants will gain skills to facilitate small groups, lead and manage effective meetings, and develop results-driven action plans.
Development of Corporate Communication Guidelines and Structure
This hands-on consultation and training program focuses on the development of a strategic communication structure with processes for information flow to be implemented throughout the entire organization. The goal of this consultation is to improve the workplace and team communications. Through a careful examination of communication practices, a team of consultants will guide you in the development of guidelines that can be established and adopted as "organizational standards." By identifying workplace barriers and challenges, participants will have the opportunity to brainstorm solutions and strategies that will serve as the foundation for the guidelines. Once developed and ready for adoption, consultants will provide customized Communication Training to aide in the implementation of these efforts.
Development of Customer Service Guidelines
All organizations delivering health care services should have guidelines and a vision for the delivery of exceptional health care services. Customer Service Guidelines or "Standards" can pave the way for providing care that is professional, respectful, timely and consistent. This consultation will begin with a careful examination of current customer service practices and the consultants will guide participants through an interactive process in identifying organizational "Coffee Stains." These "stains" represent barriers and challenges that the organization must overcome in order to enhance customer service delivery. Through this process, participants will establish ownership and investment in developing practical solutions tailored to specific organizational concerns. Using this knowledge and awareness, participants receive guidance in developing these guidelines that can be implemented within the organization. Examples of this application include on-going staff meetings, employee orientation and employee performance evaluation. Once the guidelines are developed and ready for adoption, consultants will provide customized Customer Service Training to aide in the implementation of the guidelines.
Translation of Health Related Materials
NCFH has extensive experience in translating (English-Spanish) documents and materials for the farmworker population, health care providers, and funding agencies, taking into account cultural appropriateness and literacy level. Samples of this service include: newsletters, pamphlets, administrative and clinical forms, program manuals, and training manuals. This process is initiated by customer requests followed by an assessment of need. Upon receipt of your materials, we will review your information and consult with you to determine the scope of the project and provide you with a full assessment with recommendations that may include literacy adjustment and cultural appropriateness. Translation options include direct translation of materials or adjustment of materials for literacy.
Development of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Health Education Materials
One of the premiere services NCFH offers is Health Education Material and Program Development. NCFH's staff of health educators has extensive experience in the program and material development process in a variety of health issues to include: HIV/AIDS, breast and cervical cancer, oral health, asthma, arthritis, environmental health and occupational health and safety. This service includes conducting a needs assessment, designing program goals and objectives, identifying and developing the appropriate health messages and materials, and field testing the program to ensure community relevance. NCFH can also provide you with training on the development of low literacy and culturally appropriate materials by guiding you through the material development process. This service requires a face-to-face initial consultation followed by guidance and consultation via phone and email. Samples include curriculum development, videos, flipcharts, fotonovelas, and other teaching tools. We are also available to design and develop your organization's materials upon request.
NCFH has extensive experience in translating (English-Spanish) documents and materials for the farmworker population, health care providers, and funding agencies, taking into account cultural appropriateness and literacy level. Samples of this service include: newsletters, pamphlets, administrative and clinical forms, program manuals, and training manuals. This process is initiated by customer requests followed by an assessment of need. Upon receipt of your materials, we will review your information and consult with you to determine the scope of the project and provide you with a full assessment with recommendations that may include literacy adjustment and cultural appropriateness. Translation options include direct translation of materials or adjustment of materials for literacy.
Development of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Health Education Materials
One of the premiere services NCFH offers is Health Education Material and Program Development. NCFH's staff of health educators has extensive experience in the program and material development process in a variety of health issues to include: HIV/AIDS, breast and cervical cancer, oral health, asthma, arthritis, environmental health and occupational health and safety. This service includes conducting a needs assessment, designing program goals and objectives, identifying and developing the appropriate health messages and materials, and field testing the program to ensure community relevance. NCFH can also provide you with training on the development of low literacy and culturally appropriate materials by guiding you through the material development process. This service requires a face-to-face initial consultation followed by guidance and consultation via phone and email. Samples include curriculum development, videos, flipcharts, fotonovelas, and other teaching tools. We are also available to design and develop your organization's materials upon request.
These services are provided to organizations that either intend to establish new farmworker health programs or to community/migrant health centers that want to expand their existing migrant health programs. To assist these organizations, NCFH offers the following services:
- Assessing community needs: NCFH staff meets with interested organizations to determine the scope of the project, what types of information should be collected, and the appropriate data collection method. NCFH then creates or adapts data collection tools, trains data collectors, completes data collection, analyzes data, and writes reports.
- Designing Service Delivery Models to Serve Farmworkers: NCFH provides consultation to interested parties and helps them conceptualize and implement the ideal service delivery plan to serve their target population.
- Developing and Reviewing Grant Proposals: NCFH helps organizations develop their grant applications. This service offers identification of funding sources, understanding the concept of the request for proposal, matching RFPs to program needs, and formation of the grant writing team. We will work with the team to conceptualize the desired program and in the development of the grant proposal. Once proposals are complete, NCFH staff review the proposals and provide improvement recommendations before the proposal is submitted to the funding source.
Community Needs Assessments with Survey Monkey
Collecting customers feedback and/or conducting needs assessments can be a very expensive and time consuming task. The use of computer programs such as Survey Monkey is useful in facilitating that task. This workshop will familiarize participants with the use of Survey Monkey for collecting data in a cost effective and timely manner.
Farmworker Population Estimation, Verification, and Adjustment
This service includes researching available sources and finding data such as local labor, intensive crops, acreage, harvest seasons, production demands, unemployment data to calculate the number of farmworkers needed and the time that they are needed in any given community. Population analysis is an instrumental tool for new communities interested in establishing services for farmworkers as well as for those already established programs, used to predict demand for services, service utilization and cost effective staffing patterns.
Collecting customers feedback and/or conducting needs assessments can be a very expensive and time consuming task. The use of computer programs such as Survey Monkey is useful in facilitating that task. This workshop will familiarize participants with the use of Survey Monkey for collecting data in a cost effective and timely manner.
Farmworker Population Estimation, Verification, and Adjustment
This service includes researching available sources and finding data such as local labor, intensive crops, acreage, harvest seasons, production demands, unemployment data to calculate the number of farmworkers needed and the time that they are needed in any given community. Population analysis is an instrumental tool for new communities interested in establishing services for farmworkers as well as for those already established programs, used to predict demand for services, service utilization and cost effective staffing patterns.
If you are interested in additional information, please contact Alicia Gonzales.