Later this month we will commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Migrant Health Act, the landmark legislation that paved the way for so many programs that continue to serve the farmworker population today. While strides have been made to improve their health status, access to quality healthcare continues to be a challenge for many farmworkers and their families. That’s where the Una Voz Para La Salud/Call for Health Program comes in. About the Call for Health Program We know farmworkers face unique challenges and barriers and often need a bridge to connect them to health care and other wraparound services. The Una Voz Para La Salud/Call for Health Program was established in 1997 by the National Center for Farmworker Health (NCFH) as a nationwide, bilingual information and referral service for farmworker families. In addition to navigation and referral services, from 2000-present, the Program has provided more than $36,000 in financial assistance to 2,127 farmworkers and leveraged over $546,000 in in-kind donations from providers of care. Services Offered: Some of the services offered through the program are:
The Una Voz Para La Salud Program in Action The following is just one of the stories that illustrates the impact of the Una Voz Para La Salud.
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Martha did not believe in the benefits of getting the vaccine given all of the different information gathered from friends and family. But in August of 2021, Martha and all her family got COVID-19, and her younger sister died from the virus. As soon as they all recovered, they got vaccinated. Martha wishes she could go back in time and ask all her family to get the COVID-19 vaccine. She thinks her sister might still be alive had they taken this precaution. Life after COVID-19 has not been easy for her. She has been diagnosed with what we now know as long COVID-19. Having a name for her condition does not help her feel better every morning when she gets up to go to work or when she is in pain harvesting strawberries. Nor does it numb the pain of losing her sister. Martha called Una Voz Para la Salud to request assistance with follow-up doctor's appointments and tests, as she has no health insurance and needs help paying for medical expenses. Una Voz Para la Salud contributed by paying for a test in July 2022; however, she needs more help. How You Can Help
Martha is one of so many farmworkers that Una Voz Para La Salud has assisted with over the years. One way you can help Martha, and other farmworkers like her, today is through your support of the Program.
Your support will help Una Voz Para La Salud continue, and expand its reach, to bridge the gap to health care access for farmworkers across the country. Visit our webpage to learn more. Questions? Contact Elvia Anderson at [email protected].
The National Center for Farmworker HealthImproving health care access for one of America's most vulnerable populations Archives
September 2024