The University of Kansas, with support from the Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute (PCORI), and in partnership with several organizations including the National Center for Farmworker Health (NCFH), is leading the Midwest Stream Engaging Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in Healthcare Research project. The Project’s aim is to increase the knowledge base available regarding farmworkers’ (agricultural workers’) preferences and needs related to healthcare decisions, as well as effective methods of engagement, and using that information to guide practice and research. Short-term objectives include the following:
The project team’s long-term objective is:
NCFH invites you to participate by answering the Stakeholder or Service Provider survey by August 7, 2017. Both surveys are available in English and in Spanish and links are provided below. Thanks a million for your participation! - Hilda Ochoa Bogue, NCFH Your opinion matters!
Staff at The University of Kansas School of Social Welfare are interested in learning more about migrant and seasonal crop/orchard farmworkers’ health. As a first step, we are asking individuals who are key stakeholders or provide direct care to farmworkers to complete a short survey. What encourages farmworkers to seek health care? What helps them get the health care they need? What makes it harder? In what areas is research needed? We need your help! To participate in an anonymous survey or to learn more, choose the link that is best for you: Direct Service Providers
The survey should take about 20 minutes and can be taken between now and Aug. 7, 2017. Please take the survey and then forward this information to others who might be interested! Thank you! Cheryl Holmes, Principal Investigator/Project Lead – [email protected] or 785-864-6493 Michelle Levy, Co-PI – [email protected] or 785-864-2291 Susy Mariscal – Researcher/Speaks Spanish – [email protected] or 785-864-9285 ¡Su opinión es importante! Personal de la Universidad de Kansas, Escuela de Trabajo Social está interesado en aprender más sobre la salud y el cuidado de salud de los trabajadores agrícolas (de huertos y cosechas) migrantes y estacionales. Como primer paso, estamos pidiendo a personas interesadas o a quienes proveen servicios directos a trabajadores agrícolas que completen una encuesta corta. ¿Qué alienta/anima a los trabajadores agrícolas a buscar cuidados de salud? ¿Qué les ayuda a buscar el cuidado de salud que necesitan? ¿Qué les dificulta buscar este cuidado? ¿En qué áreas se necesita investigación? ¡Necesitamos su ayuda! Para participar en una encuesta anónima o para tener más información, presione el link que sea mejor para usted: Personas Que Proveen Servicios Directos
¡Por favor responda esta encuesta y envíe esta información a otras personas que también puedan estar interesadas! ¡Muchas Gracias! Cheryl Holmes, Investigadora Principal/ Líder de Proyecto – [email protected] o 785-864-6493 Michelle Levy, Co-Investigadora Principal – [email protected] o 785-864-2291 Susy Mariscal – Investigadora/Habla Español – [email protected] o 785-864-9285 Comments are closed.
The National Center for Farmworker HealthImproving health care access for one of America's most vulnerable populations Archives
September 2024